Monday, 31 January 2011
3K, 12K, 50K, OK

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Monday, 17 January 2011

I am ready to admit it. There are very few things I can commit to doing every flippin' day.
Drinking two cups of coffee, first thing. That one you can bank on, full stop. Checking my e-mail and my Facebook page. Two other sure things. That may be about all I am able, or willing, to commit to. That leaves a lot of stuff, while attractive and inspiring in many cases, subject to not much more than whim or mood of the day.
This does not bode well for my Janathon adventure. The goal there was, seriously, to run or walk or ride everyday in January and then blog a bit about the day's achievement. My intent was pure and good. My follow through has been dismal. I am officially accepting that...and conceding. I will NOT be taking home the gold at the end of this month.
I am more than willing to go on epic bike rides between now and the end of the month, and will try to log as many miles I'm able, with that and running and walking. I could even possibly rack up more miles than anyone else, but I will not have done it according to the proper guidelines.
My best wishes go out to all the Janathon participants who are still in the hunt for glory! I will be watching, reading your blogs, and cheering you on. If there was even a chance that I might have been able to take part in the post-Janathon celebration in London in February I might have stayed true to the game...but that's not happening.
And then...there's this. In order to keep myself moving at some level of respectable pace for the better part of the rest of 2011, I am telling myself that I will run another marathon this year. However, once I've chosen it, I am going to keep it a secret. The way it's going to work is...I am going to do some research, pick a great destination race, train, FINISH...and then, just like at the end of a home-makeover show on television, there will be the big "reveal."
So, just think...one day later this year, you'll get to wake up one morning, wipe the sleep from your eyes, pour your cup of morning joe, and check the runners' blogs you check...and learn that I've done it again. Won't that be awesome for you?? Okay, maybe not. But that's how I'm doing it.
I may drop a clue every now and then...and you can try to guess where I'm going. And get this...if you're the first one to get it...BEFORE I run, I'll give you a free membership in the Just Finish group AND a brand new Just Finish running shirt. Truth told, membership in Just Finish is always free and you can (and really should) sign up now. We're a fun bunch of athletes. You could make it that much more fun! Check it out, huh? See you there.
By the way, don't guess yet. I haven't chosen my race. And...thanks to Kevin at Just Finish, for providing the awesome prize!
Gotta run!
Thursday, 6 January 2011

(First off I must say I absolutely HATE Blogger! I have tried three different browsers and none of them will let me put these pics where I want them. Arrgh! You'll have to connect the not-too-difficult dots. Sorry!)
NOW! After my miserable attempt at a three mile run earlier this week I was afeared that I'd aged over the last year of inactivity to the point where the damage could not be repaired. However, somehow, awoke this morning with an itchin' to get on my bike, despite the frigid temps.
Wednesday, 5 January 2011

I should be running today, to keep up with my Janathon commitment...but, alas, it ain't happening.
Sunday, 2 January 2011

It's only 2 January, and I felt if I followed my heart and remained cocooned inside my cozy abode, safe away from all chilly winter downpour, that I'd fall so terribly behind that I might never get started. So...loaded the gym bag and headed to 24 Hour Fitness.
I have written before that I'm not one who usually goes for inspiration from other people, feeling that if I don't own my own mojo I should just stay home. This morning was one of those rare occasions when I drew from the energy of others. I knew there were a bunch of intrepid souls who also signed up for Janathon who ran yesterday and would probably run again today. I did NOT want to get smoked by you lot!
Judging my the lack of a sweaty crowd at 9am in my gym, it would appear that lots of folks have already packed it in when it comes to that get fit New Year's resolution. Only four of the 24 treadmills on offer were in use. I chose one quickly and spent a good 32 minutes on it, pounding out a 3 miler, while listening to the latest BBC 2 Chris Evans and Simon Mayo podcasts.
After that, moved on to do 2000 (yes, 2K!) ab crunches. I know it sounds like a lot, and I always get questions about how I manage so many...but I just do. The funny thing is, you'd think I'd have a tight six pack of ab muscles as a result...but, seriously, not so bleeding much!
That's it, really. Off and running.
Wishing the rest of the Janathoners an "awesome" (we use that word a lot over here!!) month...and a brill 2011.
Gotta run!