Sunday 24 May 2009


My last few weeks, since the Big Sur Marathon, have not been much about actually running. Surprising, I think, for someone who's in the middle of this goofy 12 in 12 thing. I will pin part of it on the fact that, with Rock and Roll San Diego one week from today, I am now in the taper zone. However, to be honest, I don't believe I would have done anything differently had there not been a marathon on the near horizon. Perhaps I just needed a break from the obsession.

Since Big Sur I have run maybe 5 times...the longest run only 15 miles. Most of the others have been 6's. I have ridden my bike a couple of times, but nothing hard, nothing taxing. I have been keeping up with my situps. I do one big day a week...and last week's installment topped out at 400. Prior to that I had a few weeks at 375. This latest time the extra 25 really made my abs hurt the next couple of days. That's gone now. Tuesday is situps day...haven't decided how far to go.

It's not like nothing running's been going on. If you're a regular here you'll know already that I was scheduled to run Portland (OR) in October but have bagged on favour of running the Rochester Marathon in September with my new Road to Paris pal, Laura. Now there's word from two of the founders (Doc and the Judge) of my running club, The Goon Squad, that they're going to do Rochester, too. Thinking I'll have to get new running togs and a haircut...maybe even a impress. Maybe not. And, as if that's not enough, my pic has been inserted into the Goon Squad's home page on the interwebby thing, as if I was actually running with the gang! How awesome is that?

Oh...AND...I am already planning for 2010. Looks pretty darned certain that I will be packing my bags for Europe in run TWO marathons, on successive weekends, again. The Salt Lake City/Big Sur experiment went so well last month that I'm confident I can do it. This time it's Trieste, in THE Italy, with my other Road to Paris cohort, Kari, followed, just days later, by Prague. With the economy the way it is I figure I get more miles to the dollar if I cram two races into the same trip. It's all about the cash. I am now putting every $1 and $5 bill I get into a big can, hoping for an even bigger total come next spring when it's time to buy airline tix.

Despite being at the tail-end of the current taper, I had to run this morning. Suited up and headed out into the early morning fog, and put in a strong 5 miler. Had to remind the legs who's boss. I think I'm back into the thick of it now. This week will be all about San Diego.

Have to pull out my marathon trip packing list and start setting out neat little piles of stuff. Have to select which DVD's I will take with me for the laptop-assisted plane trip south. Currently favouring Kill Bill 1 & 2 and the entire season of Wonderfalls. I also need to acquire my weekend supply of English Mars bars AND some special See's treats for a Twitter follower/runner who I hope to meet up with with the rest of the gang prior to the race. If that doesn't happen, the good thing is, I can eat the stuff! One thing I really should do that I won't, because of budget constraints, is buy new running shoes. The one's I have now ('09 Brooks Beasts) have a good load of miles on them, including Carlsbad, Austin, Napa Valley, Salt Lake City and Big Sur marathons! They feel pretty good at the start of a long run, but a little wobbly at the end. Maybe the wobbly's just me. For sure, San Diego will be their last hurrah.

I also need to start visualizing actually enjoying the race this time. Last time I did San Diego (2006) it was incredibly muggy and hot. Turning east toward the downtown at about mile 6.5 I knew it was going to a long, hard day. It was. This current weather forecast is for ideal conditions next Sunday. Fingers crossed and locked. Looking forward to my second stay at the downtown YHA hostel. It has free pancakes, the real breakfast of champs, every freaking morning!

Yep. Pretty sure I'm getting back in the groove.

Gotta run!


TokyoRacer said...

Hi Michael. Thanks for your birthday wishes on my blog. Enjoy the race and enjoy San Diego. If you want a good Italian meal either before or after the race, I recommend Asti in the Gaslamp Quarter at 728 5th Ave. There's a waiter there, Mark Gorence, who is a runner and a great guy. When I ran San Diego two years ago I shared a cab with him back to the start after the race. We had a nice chat but he didn't tell me his job. Later that night I was wandering around the Gaslamp looking for a restaurant and having difficulty choosing between 4 or 5. Finally went into Asti, sat down, the waiter comes over, and it is Mark! We were both floored. Out of all the restaurants in San Diego, I chose his. He runs the race every year and then goes to work. So if you go in there, ask for him and tell him you are a friend of Bob from Tokyo. And tell him I said Hi.

Laura said...

Cheers, I've been unusually absent in my running, blogging, and just about everything else. I enjoyed your blog (and not just because you mentioned Kari and I.) I am really excited about the growing group of people coming to Rochester to run the marathon with us. I think that I have talked some of my track athletes to register for the relay - it would be great for their soccer legs (they will be in soccer season by that time.)

I am constantly impressed and motivated by your drive and determintation. I can't wait to meet you in September.

(PS - be sure to follow the Wooster Scots Baseball team, they are one game shy of winning the small-college world series!!! GO SCOTS!!)

Marathon Maritza said...

I'm dying to run a marathon in Europe, but it won't be until 2010 or maybe even 2011. How awesome you'll be doing 2 next year!

Can't wait to meet ya in SD! Gonna be a blast!

Anonymous said...

GREAT JOB! I follow you on Twitter and this is my first time reading your blog. It's great what you're doing and what you've accomplished!