Monday 12 October 2009


Earlier today I informed the Twitter and Facebook worlds that I was not planning to run today at all. Last week at work was especially taxing. It included an outdoor cycling event Saturday that kept me on my feet for 12 hours. Then I worked Sunday. Had "decided" I was not going to run, and would instead let my lower extremeties recover more today from last week's toiling ..until I heard the weather forecast for tomorrow. The Bay Area is expecting, what the weather-goofs call , "remnants of three Pacific typhoons"to converge upon our little slice of heaven...bringing upwards of 2-6 inches of rain in one day. Now, I will say, I don't really mind running in rain...but not typhoon remnants!

I was also thinking my left foot needed, despite the prospect of 26.2 miles on October 25th (Silicon Valley Marathon), a little extra time off from running. Early last week I tried to get 10 miles in in my Vibram Five Fingers...but bowed out at 8.5 because of a nagging little pain in the ball of my left foot. I decided this morning, after hearing the weather forecast for tomorrow, and a quick appraisal of my left foot's condition, that today would have to be the day to get out there.

Was first going to do it in the trusty Brooks Beasts, as that's what I'll be running the marathon in San Jose in, but, based on how good it has been feeling to run in the VFF's, decided today would be a good one to try for a 10 miler again.

Set off at about 10:30am, under grey, cloudy, there's-soon-gonna-be-a-kick-ass-storm-here clouds. Perfect temps. The clouds were so thick the Garmin 305 struggled a bit to latch on the satellites. Started to run before it had actually accomplished that mission, and started the timer, too. About a half mile in, everything lined up just right.

The run, in short, was a total joy. Running through the Berkeley Lagoon area, down to the Emeryville Marina, and then back home along the waterfront....validated my love of running here.

I did 10 miles in 1:52:56. The first five took 56:39....the second, 56:15. Negative splits! Nice. Mr. Garmin says I burned nearly 1400 calories...and my bathroom scale says I'm under 180 again...finally.

I really wish I could dump the running shoes for good, but, as much fun as today's run was, I don't think I could have done more than 10 in the VFFs just yet. Still taking it slow. Santa Barbara Marathon is the first weekend in December. I'm thinking that may even be too soon for my first VFF marathon. Stay tuned.
Currently having a little taste of Laphroaig Single Malt. Medicinal, you understand.

Gotta run!


Limaruss said...

Congrats on the VFF run. You are inching your way closer to the 26.2 mark with the VFF's. It's just a matter of time! Also congrats on getting below the 180 mark!

Karoline said...

Some day I want to be just like you! I just got back from a 10 minute walk with dog in VFFs. Trying to break them in still. Can't wait to run far in them! Good for you for getting out there and remembering why you love running so much!!

Unknown said...

I saw two guys finish the Hartford Marathon in VFF KSO's this past weekend - one of them looked to be hurting pretty bad, but both came in under 5 hours. I'm slowly working up my VFF mileage as well (up to 8 mile max so far), but have also had a bit of forefoot ache so I'm taking it slow. Great post!

Gina Harris said...

VERY nice run! Good luck on the 25th!

DreamNT said...

Please keep updating this blog, it's been too long. Great post! We adore this blog and This information is very good.
