Friday 2 April 2010


It's been a pretty intense couple of weeks.

Losing my job, mine and my wife's health insurance, filling out Cobra forms and unemployment insurance paperwork, dumping out of the LA Marathon, canceling my marathon trips to Trieste and Prague, applying for jobs, interviewing, waiting for severance payments, reestablishing my ties with radio friends and my former newsroom career, coming up with a budget based on jobless bennies and fill-in work, selling my Darth Vadar bike (to pad the checkbook), and trying to stay sane...has had me bouncing off walls. I would like to think things are beginning to calm down. I'd also like to think that some of the patience and focus I've learned while running long distance has helped. However, this is one marathon I'd like to see end very soon.

In an effort to regain some semblance of control, I have been trying to work out at the gym and run. I have needed to just pull my head out...and make stuff work. Today I slipped on my VFF's for the first time since I injured myself in them two months ago. They felt great. I wanted to run farther than the five I put in this morning, but realized it would be clever of me to pace myself. Hurt is something I'd rather not feel again anytime soon.

Last Saturday I did an awesome 10 miler in a park I'd all but forgotten my Beasts. Hard, but welcome.

I have been itching to find a spring marathon, but have yet to pull the trigger on one. Still in a holding pattern, waiting to see how the job thing pans out. I know myself though. I will probably take the leap here soon, and will plan on bailing out if I have to work instead.

In another step toward sanity I have started working on my running book. Thanks to everyone who responded to my questions about what you'd like to hear about when it comes my marathon adventures. I kicked the whole writing process off last weekend with a visit to San Francisco's Caffe Trieste.

I have been going here for about 30 years. They've always had the best latte in town. It's a comfy, well-worn, welcoming spot, known for the opera music on the jukebox, live opera on the weekends, and its varied clientele. Many books have been at least partially written here. Many poets, artists, actors, activists, movie directors and producers, singers, politicians have lined up at the coffee counter here...then sat, unhurried, for hours, debating what's wrong with the world and how to fix it. My hope in starting the book here was that I could possibly absorb some of the talent those folks left behind in the walls. Time will tell.

I'm also fond of the grilled ham and cheese.

Gotta run!


Bryan said...

M, keep your head and running up, things will work out. Keep the faith. I'm throwing some good Karma your way.


Heather @ Side of Sneakers said...

Yikes, you've certainly got your handful of things to deal with. I hope things turn around for you super soon!!

Rachel said...

Good luck with everything! Sending positive thoughts. I know running will only help, so keep it up! Can't wait to hear more about the book : )

kara said...

Apparently life throws us these curves as learning sessions. (Not sure I agree...)
Anyways -
just keep on running and things will get better.
: )

Unknown said...

Keep your head up. I am sure you've heard this a million and one times *but I am a firm believer* ALL thing happen for a reason. And rock on about a book, you have always been so encouraging and inspiring. Keep doing those mind clearing runs and I know everything will pan out for the best!

rUntoNamAste said...

You are strong, my friend. Just take it one day at a time. Now you have all the time in the world to work on this book of yours. Best believe, I'm scoring the first copy.

Sky One said...

Michael, just two words: good luck!

Karoline said...

You and I will both be running Trieste in spirit, my friend. Hang in there and we are all sending you and your family the kick-ass vibes to get get over this hump. xoxo. K p.s. So glad you're getting your story out there. We already know what a great writer you are and how much of a following you have!!