Monday 12 July 2010

THEY SAY.... is what happens, while you're making other plans.  Yep!

Looks like life's still in charge. 

Headed out this morning for my 20 mile last long run before San Francisco Marathon in two weeks. Spirits, I'll admit, were not what I'd call "high"...but I was fully committed to testing the waters, to see if I was up for 26.2 miles, considering my lack of training this year. 

I've been battling what I believe to be a heel spur in my left foot for a couple of months. I thought I had it beat. I ran a 15 miler last week, and, even though the heel pain came back at mile 10 that day, I continued worse for the wear. 

Today, not so much. 

I tackled the hill climbs through Berkeley, then the lovely downhills into Oakland and the level of Lake Merritt. Then, at that goofy cathedral on the northeast corner of the lake, I turned north for the 8 mile home stretch. 

As I neared San Pablo Avenue, a straight, flat shot back to Albany, I think I stepped on a knitting needle. Okay, it only felt that way. My apologies to my wife and sister-in-law, both avid knitters. I do not hold either of you responsible. It was a metaphorical needle. But, no less a needle. 

Tried to walk it out. Considered just sitting down for a bit at the Subway across the street. Instead, just went in and grabbed a cup of really nasty coffee. Not by choice. I didn't say "Hey, may I have the worst cup of coffee you've got?" They just had a bad one, and they let me have it. It didn't help. 

Fortunately, on long runs like this, I always take my transit card. Caught the bus home. 

After running  a marathon a month last year, it feels strange to be on the edge of backing out of my fourth of this year. Was signed up to run Los Angeles, Trieste and Prague earlier...bowed out of all of them, for various reasons. Now, San Francisco looks like it's next.

Not happy about this. Will reevaluate in a week. I still might be out there...especially if the bacon boys are going to be at mile 20 again. There's no telling what I'd do for free bacon. If you boys are planning a repeat appearance, let me know, huh? You might just save my running career. 

Meanwhile, despite the pain, I still...

Gotta run!


RoadBunner said...

Oh, BOO BOO to the heel spur!! I hope things improve for you. If not, maybe drop down to one of the halves? Not quite the same thing but you can get back in touch with the fun of being out there with other like-minded people.

kara said...

Ouch! I would put the Vibrams away for awhile....

Michael B said...

kara - haven't been in the vibrams for months (sadly)

kchealy said...

Wishing you some really quick healing...

Rachel said...

hope things start looking up for you soon!

Ian Charters said...

Michael, I do hope your heel is OK for SF. Hurts to read about your struggle.

TokyoRacer said...

Bummer. I don't know anything about heel spurs, but they sound bad. I guess all you can do is rest for a week and test it out. And if you do run the marathon, take your transit card with you.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

sorry to hear this michael. you might as well run sf and try and get round. if it hurts, stop. if not, great. nothing to lose, nothing to prove

Runners Fuel said...

I agree with Marty. I try running SF, if it hurts, quit, if not, keeping going. Good luck!

TP said...

Right there with ya...heal fast my friend!

Unknown said...

Michael, I just finished reading Christopher McDougall's excellent book, Born to Run. He refers to heal spurs as "vampire bites". Having had the bite several year's ago I can feel your pain. Not fun! I have no unsolicited advice to offer with respect to the "run or not run" dilemma. The answer lies within you; you know what to do and that's exactly what needs to be done. I will say, however, that there's no shame in exiting the race with dignity. Hold your head high and cheers on the brothers and sisters. The chill with a cold one. I look forward to your next race report. Michael

Colin Hayes said...

I'm amazed at how many running-related heel injuries I'm reading about (me included) lately! Sorry to hear SF isn't going to happen. I hope your heel improves quickly, and hopefully there's some solace in knowing you're not alone!