Monday 16 August 2010


Regular readers will know this has not been the easiest year 'round these parts. I won't revisit the whole string of events but will say their cumulative affect has been to force a shift in thinking on a number of levels. Some of what's gone on has been out of my control. It's now about fixing what I can.

For the past 9 years, most of my life has revolved around running marathons. Commitment, training, travel, pain, elation, planning, learning, sharing, friends, challenges, disappointment, dreaming, experimenting, succeeding, stumbling....and celebration...all part of the mix. For the past six months I, however, have not felt the fire, and have been struggling to find out why. I now think it's simply that I don't enjoy the distance anymore.

I have thirty finisher's medals in my den...and stories to go with each one. I know there are many more races that could be run, and other stories that could be written, but I am going to leave most of those to the marathon friends I have made since my first, in Vancouver, BC. I say "most" because I hope to run one marathon a year, starting next year. Other than that, running-wise, I am going to cut back to frequent half marathons and, crazily, running "just for fun." I might even run without my Garmin, once in a while!

Despite that major change, I am not giving up on what a friend of mine once called my "epic adventures." I am going to get reacquainted with an old friend, my touring bike...and an old dream, that didn't pan out a few years ago.

In 2000 I rode my loaded bike across the narrowest part of England, from Whitehaven, on the coast of the Irish Sea, to Newcastle, on the edge of the North Sea. Finishing was brilliant.

Upon coming back to California I immediately started planning a return trip, to ride from Lands End to John O'Groats...the southern-most tip of England to the northern-most tip of Scotland. I planned every inch of the 900 mile journey, and set off in July 2003.

Four days in, my carpal tunnel syndrome took its toll, rendering me unable to shift gears or brake effectively because both hands were completely numb. I hobbled home, supremely disappointed, vowing to return one day to finish. I had the necessary surgery to alleviate the offending ailment, and then poured myself into running. The End to End ride is calling me again.

My plan right now is to focus on completing that challenge in 2012...for my 60th birthday. Deciding this already feels good. For the past few years I have used my bike to cross train for marathons. We're now going to reverse that.

I have presented this idea to my brother, who says he's up for joining me.

Let the games begin.


Ian Charters said...

The secret is finally out!

When the time comes, let me have the details for your time in north west England and I'll share some miles with you.

Michael B said...

ian - happily....

terry said...

fantastic idea! i look forward to tracking your new adventure.

Bertamom said...

That's exciting! What fun to have that to look forward to!

Joe S. said...

Excellent Michael! I've no doubt that you'll finish the ride and I'm really looking forward to all the getting ready rides you'll do.

Game on!

racing dawn said...

Wow! That sounds amazing! It will great to follow your new journey! What difference saying it out loud makes! Good luck...

Rachel said...

that sounds awesome! kudos to you for staying positive and refocusing your energies on a new and different challenge. i look forward to following your new adventure!

TokyoRacer said...

That's cool, Michael. And half marathons are much more fun anyway.

Karoline said...

Well I have just the place for you to rest up after you reach your goal!! Fly Ryan Air! Cheap cheap cheap!!! I'm so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!

RoadBunner said...

This sounds like such an AMAZING adventure!!! I can't wait to follow you through it.

Amber Austen said...

I cant wait to see whats in store with your new challenge! Love it

amber austen said...

also,... wish I could travel as you do, sounds amazing!

rUntoNamAste said...

When I grow up, I want to be an adventurer like you :) What a great challenge. I'll definitely be following this exciting journey! Good luck :)

zbsports said...

This is a very nice post, so informative and interesting. Thanks for sharing such a great post.