Friday 29 April 2011


The to get lean.

Over the past year and a half I've reinstalled about 15 of the pounds I dropped during my 12 in 12 year. Not running or riding will do that. Daily doses of red wine will do that, too. I am fixing both of those problems.

I have the Bay to Breakers to run on May 15th. Hoping for a good one, with my friends Patti and Juliette. But then I'll be saying goodbye to the running for a while, except in a very casual sense. I have recently discovered that I get excited about long rides, while dreading even short runs.

The sun has finally come out in the Bay Area, after an insanely wet, cold, dismal, windy, horrid Winter and early Spring. In celebration, two days ago I got on the bike...and headed out for the day. Rode down the San Francisco Peninsula to East Palo Alto, across the Dumbarton Bridge, into Fremont...51 miles of mostly-goodness.

I got lost a couple of times, but broke down and asked for directions. I had a couple snacks, but overall burned 6000 calories, according to my Garmin 305. I had no flat tires or any other mechanicals. Some of the scenery was stunning, some not-so-much. The traffic on El Camino Real is a real challenge, and most of the Peninsula cities don't seem to care much about making things safer for cyclists. Kudos, though, to South San Francisco, for spending upwards of $6M on the Centennial Way Park and bike path. Someone in City Hall apparently gets it.

The best part of the day, though, was when I hit a moment when I realized I wanted it to be over, but it wouldn't be for hours, and reconnected with a mindset I first experienced while on my ride across the top of England in 2000. That mindset when you just kick things into gear, realizing you're in it til the end, and you just keep going, knowing you WILL finish. I have felt that during many a marathon, as well. I just hadn't felt it in a while, and it was a good moment.

Last weekend I downloaded a calorie-counter app on my Blackberry, and started keeping track of every morsel I eat and every drop I drink. The reviews for the app were almost-unbelievably glowing. I was shocked to quickly see how each little snack, nibble and sip adds up, especially the empty calories of wine, one of my favourite things. Since then I've had none of the fruit of the vine, and I've dropped five pounds, down to 189. The goal is 175.

Time will tell.

Gotta ride!


Rachel said...

sounds like all you need are a few tweaks to the diet and the extra weight will be history. the ride sounds like it was awesome. i've been feeling the same way about biking lately, while i sort of dread my runs for some reason. maybe i'm just digging the novelty? i can really identify with that "moment" you describe...i think that's one of the marks of an endurance athlete.

i'm doing b2b, too. would be great if we could cross paths! will be my first one so should be fun!

Michael B said...

would love to give you a good luck high five before the race...or a well-done one at the end!! will send you my cell # on facebook...