Friday 18 June 2010

IN BETWEEN....'s awesome US World Cup game...and England's atrocious display of ineptitude...I went for a 10 mile run...after a healthy breakfast.

I am SOOO behind in my training for the San Francisco Marathon at the end of next month that I had to get some distance in.

My training schedule has me doing 17 by now. Being officially unemployed I really can't turn fill-in work down...and, the last two weeks I have gotten 80 hours! That seriously cut into my training time! It is comforting to know that two of my running buddies are under-trained as well. However, that will not help ME...once the starting gun goes off.

My plan is to do 15 next Tuesday, 18 one day the following week and 20/22 on July 11th. Then, I'll taper. That's the plan.

However, Houston...we may have a problem.

For the past week or so my right foot has been behaving it's developing a case of plantar faciitis. It feels tight when I wake up...then eases as it warms up. Then, on numerous ocassions throughout every day, it has periods of sharp pain that makes it difficult to walk. It bothered me during today's run...especially when I was in my walk breaks. Would love to have run in my VFFs but didn't think that would work too well.

I have been rolling it on my Footwheel and that helps, temporarily. I am also taking my wonder Chinese herb, The Great Mender, hoping it works as well on this as it did on my right foot fracture earlier this year. I should know in two or three days. Fingers crossed.

Until I can't...

Gotta run!


leslie said...

Remember that we're in this for the long haul. Keep being smart and know that you don't have to decide about the race today. Sending healing thoughts...

Michael B said...

will do, my friend. you in hawaii yet?

Anonymous said...

You actually know three people who haven't properly trained for SFM. And I only have myself to blame.

kara said...

You can also roll your foot over a frozen water bottle.
Hope it feels better Fast - you've got a lot of miles to run : )

Unknown said...

i know you'll do great in san fran! good luck getting the miles in - i do not know if you've tried it and course it is only a temporary fix: but KT Tape is awesome for making pain not so painfully or disappear for the time being and I know they have a way to tape for Plantar Fasciitis.

Hope you have been well!! :o)

RoadBunner said...

I hope your foot calms down! Can't believe SF is next month! Hope to see you there!

Vicki said...

I have had plantar faciitis so I can relate to that pain.. not fun at all.

In regard to running in general, I am getting ready to post some great info on recovery. Will send you the link when it is up.

All the best with training and the race(s)!