Tuesday 28 December 2010


Hey, 2010...don't let the door slam you in the butt on the way out, huh?

I know it's only December 28th, but I'm pulling the plug on your ass right now. That way I have three days unmolested by your crap to get ready for your younger brother, 2011. I already like him more than I ever liked you, if for no other reason than sheer potential.

You and I are no longer Facebook friends and I'm not following you anymore on Twitter. As a matter of fact, I am blocking you on both.

I will be spending the next few days figuring out how to get myself back into shape, physically and mentally. There have been thoughts of late about asking my doctor for anti-bummed-out meds, but think I'll wait a bit more on that. Wondering if what I really need is to pump up my endorphin levels with a return to some sort of regular exercise. After pretty much not running for a solid year, after nine years of near-constant marathon training, I think those levels have been all but depleted.

In the last couple of weeks I've been back on the bike, doing a number of 20 mile rides. They've not been hard, but they've not been the piece of cake they used to be. During this week's big ride I realized that the reason it was hard was that physically I'm kind of a wreck. I'm back up to the weight I was when I ran my first marathon in 2003. My heart sank when I saw the bathroom scale needle pushing 195 again. At my most fit I've been 20 pounds lighter than that.

So, it's back to square one.

Don't expect to see reports of 20 mile runs anytime soon. I think it's back to 3-5 milers...and figuring out how to do it all again. I am sticking with my commitment to only running in my VFFs, so added caution is required in that regard.

One thing I am doing is taking part in a month long "competition" with a bunch of online friends in the UK, called Janathon. It's a low-key kind of "let's see what we can do" thing, and it's a way for me to keep in touch with what's happening in the old country. Should be a hoot. Oh, and there are PRIZES! (Wouldn't mind if some other stateside folks would sign up, by the way!)

All in all, 2010 has been about too much mental and physical weight. 2011 will be about lightening up.

Gotta run...gotta ride.


Natalie Bowers said...

Wishing you all the best with Janathon! I'm going to be glad to see the back of 2010 too. 2011 is going to be the year I finally fix my mind and body.

Good luck!

Natalie (a fellow Janathoner)

Michael B said...

hay, cathy...i am friends with gene...thanks for the reminder. btw...i have been trying to add the janathon logo but blogger frustrates me to no end...eventually i will work it out!!!

Unknown said...

Michael, I love the Janathon idea. Think I might join too. My wish for you is to have much joy and happiness in 2011. I appreciate your great attitude and I look forward to your future blogs. Michael

racing dawn said...

Great post! Even though I've had a great year I've felt that way the last couple weeks...ready for 2011. In the middle of your 12 in 12 did you hit a low mark? I'm feeling tired right now and still have 5 races to go. I think it's these cold winter months getting the best of me. Anyways, Happy New Year!!!

Rachel said...

i have high hopes that 2011 will be a fantastic year for you!

TokyoRacer said...

Looking forward to more running and blogging from you in 2011.
Great photo...did you do that yourself?

rUntoNamAste said...

Ha, love the intro. All the best to you and yours in 2011. I too fell off the wagon but I suspect that 2011 will be the year that we take our mojo back! Awwwww yeaaaaa!

Paintedrunner said...

Looking forwards to reading more of your posts. Enjoy Janathon

DreamNT said...

Please keep updating this blog, it's been too long. Great post! We adore this blog and This information is very good.
