Wednesday 2 June 2010


June One came pretty quickly after the end of May. Not sure I was ready for it, as I had a bunch of stuff planned for the new month. I was going to start REALLY training again...and speed training, at that. I had also signed up on my friend Jogblog's Juneathon challenge, where I committed to doing something every freakin' day of the new month. I also decided I would start taking a photo a day and posting it on my Facebook page. Why? I do not know.

However, in an effort to keep my Juneathon's the skinny. Day One of the challenge found me at a local running track, ready to, for the first time in my marathon "career", concentrate on speed training. Until now I have been all about "just finishing" matter how long it takes. Now, unexplainably, I have adopted a training plan, with the goal of knocking out a 4:30 marathon in October. If I manage to do it, it will be a 26 minute marathon PR.

The goal was six times around the quarter mile track, at 2:15 to 2:25 a lap. Nailed it. The big struggle was finding the proper pace...but, I did it. The crazy thing is/was...just how sore my thigh muscles were the next day. All I had run was 1.5 miles...but my legs felt like I'd done ten. Goes to show just how much more work I have to do.

Today, Day Two, I hit the gym before work. Did a warm up mile on the dreadmill, then 2000 ab crunches in 23 minutes (two minutes slower than my last 2K a week ago). I also did some leg and back extentions...and a few other things before the payoff...half an hour in the jacuzzi.

Tomorrow is, duh! three. Not sure how I'm going to keep this pace up for the month...but I'm gonna try.

Gotta run!


Jesse said...

I love the part with the jacuzzi ;)

To be honest, this is absolutely amazing, what you are doing. Keep up your hard work and send us some nice reports on


Karoline said...

ROCKIN!!! You're back! And even faster!